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Using OpenGL in a DSFML window


This tutorial is not about OpenGL itself, but rather how to use DSFML as an environment for OpenGL, and how to mix them together.

As you know, one of the most important features of OpenGL is portability. But OpenGL alone won't be enough to create complete programs: you need a window, a rendering context, user input, etc. You would have no choice but to write OS-specific code to handle this stuff on your own. That's where the dsfml-window module comes into play. Let's see how it allows you to play with OpenGL.

Including and linking OpenGL to your application

DSFML does not provide direct access to OpenGL. In order to use OpenGL in your DSFML program, you need to use an existing binding (like DerelictGL3) or you'll need to roll your own.

Depending on your approach, you may need to link with the OpenGL library, which is depending on the operating system you're using ("opengl32" on Windows, "GL" on Linux, etc.).

This tutorial does not focus on how to set up OpenGL for use in your DSFML program, but will instead assume that this is already taken care of and you can call these functions without issue.

Creating an OpenGL window

Since DSFML is based on OpenGL, its windows are ready for OpenGL calls without any extra effort.

auto window = new Window(VideoMode(800, 600), "OpenGL");

// it works out of the box

In case you think it is too automatic, Window's constructor has an extra argument that allows you to change the settings of the underlying OpenGL context. This argument is an instance of the ContextSettings structure, it provides access to the following settings:

ContextSettings settings;
settings.depthBits = 24;
settings.stencilBits = 8;
settings.antialiasingLevel = 4;
settings.majorVersion = 3;
settings.minorVersion = 0;

auto window = new Window(VideoMode(800, 600), "OpenGL", Window.Style.Default, settings);

If any of these settings is not supported by the graphics card, DSFML tries to find the closest valid match. For example, if 4x anti-aliasing is too high, it tries 2x and then falls back to 0.
In any case, you can check what settings DSFML actually used with the getSettings function:

auto settings = window.getSettings();

writeln("depth bits:", settings.depthBits);
writeln("stencil bits:", settings.stencilBits);
writeln("antialiasing level:", settings.antialiasingLevel);
writeln("version:", settings.majorVersion, ".", settings.minorVersion)

OpenGL versions above 3.0 are supported by SFML (as long as your graphics driver can handle them). Support for selecting the profile of 3.2+ contexts and whether the context debug flag is set was added in SFML 2.3. The forward compatibility flag is not supported. By default, DSFML creates 3.2+ contexts using the compatibility profile because the graphics module makes use of legacy OpenGL functionality. If you intend on using the graphics module, make sure to create your context without the core profile setting or the graphics module will not function correctly. On OS X, DSFML supports creating OpenGL 3.2+ contexts using the core profile only. If you want to use the graphics module on OS X, you are limited to using a legacy context which implies OpenGL version 2.1.

A typical OpenGL-with-DSFML program

Here is what a (mostly) complete OpenGL program would look like with DSFML:

import dsfml.window;
// import OpenGL functions

int main()
    // create the window
    auto window = new Window(VideoMode(800, 600), "OpenGL",
                             Window.Style.Default, ContextSettings(32));

    // activate the window

    // load resources, initialize the OpenGL states, ...

    // run the main loop
    bool running = true;
    while (running)
        // handle events
        Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == Event.EventType.Closed)
                // end the program
                running = false;
            else if (event.type == Event.EventType.Resized)
                // adjust the viewport when the window is resized
                glViewport(0, 0, event.size.width, event.size.height);

        // clear the buffers

        // draw...

        // end the current frame (internally swaps the front and back buffers)

    // release resources...

    return 0;

Here we don't use window.isOpen() as the condition of the main loop, because we need the window to remain open until the program ends, so that we still have a valid OpenGL context for the last iteration of the loop and the cleanup code.

Don't hesitate to have a look at the "OpenGL" and "Window" examples in the SFML SDK if you have further problems, they are more complete and most likely contain solutions to your problems.

Managing OpenGL contexts

Every window created in DSFML automatically comes with an OpenGL context. When calling any OpenGL functions, they operate on the currently active context. It is thus required that a context be active any time OpenGL functions are called. If a context is not active when an OpenGL function is called, the function call will not result in the desired effects since there is no state for it to have an effect on.

In order to activate a window's context, use window.setActive() which is the same as window.setActive(true). Activating a context while another is currently active will result in the currently active one being implicitly deactivated before the new one is activated. In order to explicitly deactivate a window's context, use window.setActive(false). This is required if the context is to be activated on another thread as explained later on. Generally however, it is recommended to simply deactivate the context every time you are done with a batch of OpenGL operations. Following this advice, each batch of operations would be visibly wrapped between activation and deactivation calls. A RAII helper struct can be written for this purpose.

// activate the window's context

// set up OpenGL states
// clear framebuffers
// draw to the window

// deactivate the window's context

When debugging issues with OpenGL in DSFML, the first step is always to make sure a context is active when OpenGL functions are called. Do not assume that DSFML will implicitly activate a context or that DSFML will preserve the currently active context when calling into the library. The only guarantee provided is that the context active on the current thread will not change between calls to window.setActive(true) and window.setActive(false) as long as no other calls are made into the library in between. In all other cases, it has to be assumed that the current context might have changed, so explicitly reactivating the previously active context is required to guarantee the previously active context is once again active. Also ensure that the right context is active when an OpenGL function is called. The active context not only provides an execution environment for OpenGL operations, it also designates the destination framebuffer of any draw commands. Calling OpenGL draw functions while a context without a visible framebuffer is active will result in those draw commands not producing any visible output. Splitting OpenGL operations among multiple contexts will also result in the state changes being spread across the contexts. If any subsequent draw operation assumes that certain states are set, it will not produce the correct results in this case.

A highly recommended practice when writing OpenGL code is to always check if any OpenGL errors were produced after every OpenGL function call. This is done via the glGetError() function. Checking for errors after every function call will help to narrow down where a possible error might have occurred and improve debugging efficiency significantly.

Depending on the version and capabilities of the context available, care has to be taken to only call functions that are actually valid within the current context. Doing otherwise will often result in the GL_INVALID_OPERATION or GL_INVALID_ENUM errors being generated. To query the actual version and capabilities of a context created with a window or separately, use window.getSettings() or context.getSettings() respectively. Be aware that these settings might differ from the settings passed during creation of the context if the OpenGL implementation was not able to meet all the requirements. It is recommended to always check if the context created actually provides the functionality required by the OpenGL code to be executed. This can become confusing when loading OpenGL extensions in a more capable context and trying to use them in a less capable context or vice versa.

Managing multiple OpenGL windows

Managing multiple OpenGL windows is not more complicated than managing one, there are just a few things to keep in mind.

OpenGL calls are made on the active context (thus the active window). Therefore if you want to draw to two different windows within the same program, you have to select which window is active before drawing something. This can be done with the setActive function:

// activate the first window

// draw to the first window...

// activate the second window

// draw to the second window...

Only one context (window) can be active in a thread, so you don't need to deactivate a window before activating another one, it is deactivated automatically. This is how OpenGL works.

Another thing to know is that all the OpenGL contexts created by DSFML share their resources. This means that you can create a texture or vertex buffer with any context active, and use it with any other. This also means that you don't have to reload all your OpenGL resources when you recreate your window. Only shareable OpenGL resources can be shared among contexts. An example of an unshareable resource is a vertex array object.

OpenGL without a window

Sometimes it might be necessary to call OpenGL functions without an active window, and thus no OpenGL context. For example, when you load textures from a separate thread, or before the first window is created. DSFML allows you to create window-less contexts with the Context class. All you have to do is instantiate it to get a valid context.

int main()
    auto context = new Context();

    // load OpenGL resources...

    auto window = new Window(VideoMode(800, 600), "OpenGL");


    return 0;

Rendering from threads

A typical configuration for a multi-threaded program is to handle the window and its events in one thread (the main one), and rendering in another one. If you do so, there's an important rule to keep in mind: you can't activate a context (window) if it's active in another thread. This means that you have to deactivate your window before launching the rendering thread.

// global variable to be accessed by the thread
shared(Window) window;

void renderingThread()
    // activate the window's context

    // the rendering loop
    while (window.isOpen())
        // draw...

        // end the current frame -- this is a rendering function
        // (it requires the context to be active)

int main()
    // create the window (remember: it's safer to create it in the main thread
    // due to OS limitations)
    window = new Window(VideoMode(800, 600), "OpenGL");

    // deactivate its OpenGL context

    // launch the rendering thread
    auto thread = new Thread(&renderingThread);

    // the event/logic/whatever loop
    while (window.isOpen())

    return 0;

Using OpenGL together with the graphics module

This tutorial was about mixing OpenGL with dsfml-window, which is fairly easy since it's the only purpose of this module. Mixing with the graphics module is a little more complicated: dsfml-graphics uses OpenGL too, so extra care must be taken so that DSFML and user states don't conflict with each other.

If you don't know the graphics module yet, all you have to know is that the Window class is replaced with RenderWindow, which inherits all its functions and adds features to draw DSFML specific entities.

The only way to avoid conflicts between DSFML and your own OpenGL states, is to save/restore them every time you switch from OpenGL to DSFML.

- draw with OpenGL

- save OpenGL states

- draw with SFML

- restore OpenGL states

- draw with OpenGL


The easiest solution is to let SFML do it for you, with the pushGLStates/popGLStates functions:






Since it has no knowledge about your OpenGL code, DSFML can't optimize these steps and as a result it saves/restores all available OpenGL states and matrices. This may be acceptable for small projects, but it might also be too slow for bigger programs that require maximum performance. In this case, you can handle saving and restoring the OpenGL states yourself, with glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib, glPushMatrix/glPopMatrix, etc.

If you do this, you'll still need to restore DSFML's own states before drawing. This is done with the resetGLStates function.






By saving and restoring OpenGL states yourself, you can manage only the ones that you really need which leads to reducing the number of unnecessary driver calls.